Anton François


My name is Anton François. I recently finished a PhD in Applied Mathematics in the MAP5 laboratory at Université Paris-Cité. My dissertation focused on diffeomorphic image registration, which allows for the comparison of healthy and glioblastoma-affected brain images. To do this, I used a method called Metamorphoses, which is inspired by LDDMM. more about my Phd project here

I hold a Master Degree “Mathematic, Modelisation and learning” with a major in image automatic processing. Before that, I also obtained an interdisciplinary degree at CRI focused on biology. I am passionate about the open source software mentality and knowledge sharing. I believe that a healthy and collaborative work environment is essential for success. I am a good programmer and I can lead research projects. I am also a good communicator and I am able to work effectively in teams.

Although my doctorate focused on medical imaging, I also have other scientific interests. Since the beginning of my studies, I have been passionate about complex systems. I have led many projects related to intelligence, both from a biological and computer science point of view. In particular, I was interested in the mysterious nature of synergies between different elements. Due to my ecological awareness, the interactions between the different elements of an ecosystem have also fascinated me (see CV for more details). This is why I would like to use my skills to serve an impactful ecological project.

selected publications


  1. Train-Free Segmentation in MRI with Cubical Persistent Homology
    Anton François, and Raphaël Tinarrage
    Jan 2024
    working paper or preprint


  1. phd_preview.png
    Diffeomorphic image registration taking topological differences into account. Metamorphosis on brain MRI containing Glioblastomas
    Anton François
    May 2023


  1. playExample_MetaMask.gif
    Weighted metamorphosis for registration of images with different topologies
    Anton François, Matthis Maillard, Catherine Oppenheim, and 4 more authors
    In WBIR, May 2022